JST Strategic Basic Research Programs CREST

A Platform for Digitalizing Knowledge of Regional Communities

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JST CREST(Strategic Basic Research Programs)
Creation of System Software for Society 5.0 by Integrating Fundamental Theories and System Platform Technologies


In this research, we aim to digitial transformation ("DX") the "knowledge" and "data" of local communities, securely share, and utilize them in the Society 5.0 era. We are designing and developing the foundational software "TASK/OS5" for this purpose, exploring the information and communication technologies necessary for its realization.
Specifically, we are constructing methodologies for safely utilizing data and AI models, including "personal data" obtained in individual regions, in other regions. We will formally demonstrate the security of these methodologies. Additionally, we seek to implement features that make it easier for local seniors to participate in the system. Through demonstration experiments in disaster response and traffic improvement in the region, we will showcase the effectiveness of these methodologies.

What is JST CREST?

This is a network-based (team-based) research aimed at generating outstanding results that contribute to scientific and technological innovation.

Reseach Area

[S5 Infrastructure Software] Creation of foundational software for Society 5.0 through the fusion of fundamental theory and system infrastructure technology (Research Supervisor: Professor Toshio Okabe, Kyoto University).


Representative: Hirozumu Yamaguchi

(Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University)


IoT/Cyber-Physical Systems (Human location behavior sensing, wireless communication and optimization, advanced traffic systems, stream processing, distributed AI, spatial computing, etc.)


Group Members:

Atsuo Kishimoto: Professor, Data Ability Frontier Organization, Osaka University
Akira Uchiyama: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Akihiro Hiromori: Associate Professor (Concurrent), Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Mineo Takai: Invited Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Teruhiro Mizumoto: Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science, Chiba Institute of Technology
Tatsuya Amano: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Hiroki Yoshikawa: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Tachibana University
Rizk Hamada: Special Appointed Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Viktor Erdélyi: Special Appointed Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Manas Kala: Special Appointed Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Ren Oseki: Japan Meteorological Agency
Makoto Kudo: Special Appointed Researcher, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Masahiro Ishizaki: Information Network Science Major, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Riki Ukyo: Information Network Science Major, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Fukuharu Tanaka: Information Network Science Major, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University
Haruki Yonekura: Information Network Science Major, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Information Science, Osaka University

Keishin Inaba

(Professor, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences)


Symbiotic Studies / Altruism / Disaster Prevention and Cooperation in Times of Disaster / Evacuation Shelter Information / Disaster Reduction through Religious Facilities (Temples, Shrines, etc.) and Science and Technology / Civil Society Theory / Religion as Social Capital / Social Contributions of Religion


Group Members:

Ryo Kawabata: Professor, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences
Wenjie Wang: Assistant Professor, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences
Seiichiro Kojima: Representative Director, General Incorporated Association Community Information Co-creation Center
Eiichiro Mine: Vice Chairman, General Incorporated Association Community Information Co-creation Center
Hironobu Teramoto: Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization Japan Disaster Relief Volunteer Network
Ichiging Shen: Researcher, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences
Ziyun Chen: Doctoral Program, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences
Mengying Zhao: Doctoral Program, Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences

Keita Arai

(Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kinki University)


Regional Economic Analysis / Measurement of Spillover Effects / Evaluation of Transportation Policies in Remote Islands / Happiness Surveys / Productivity Effects and Spillover / Social Capital Development / Evaluation of Promotion and Development Plans, etc.


Group Members:

Naoki Matsuda: EXA Innovation Studio IT Director
Kristian Tosa: Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj Napoca
Elodie Castex: Professor, Université de Lille

Kentaro Yano

(Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Digital News Department, Chief Expert)

Work Package:

Utilization of Digital Television


Group Members:

Yuki Matsuda: Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation, Content Strategy Bureau, Data Management Department

Research Subject

The concept of "Smart City" initially envisioned the enhancement of urban environments and the construction of futuristic cities. However, the Smart City concept promoted by Society 5.0 and Super City initiatives fundamentally focuses on revitalizing and coordinating local communities. In the Smart City public-private partnership platform, desirable forms of inter-regional collaboration and the necessity of data utilization between cities are emphasized. The introduction of Urban Operating Systems (City OS), which serves as a data collaboration infrastructure, is a key priority task to achieve this.
The City OS aggregates various sensors, cameras, administrative data, and other resources from regions, municipalities, and the private sector. By facilitating service and data collaboration, it serves as a foundation to realize diverse applications such as disaster prevention, safety, security, and transportation. Noteworthy platforms in this context include FIWARE and the Osaka Wide-Area Data Collaboration Platform (ORDEN).
The current Urban Operating System (OS) is designed with the collaboration of local governments, companies, research institutions, etc., in mind, particularly in fields such as energy, transportation, healthcare, finance, telecommunications, and education. It serves as a foundation that facilitates the accumulation of vast amounts of data, enabling the construction of applications for AI analysis and utilization. Consequently, with the proliferation of Urban OS, a substantial amount of AI is expected to be generated from the extensively collected data.
Aligned with the principles of a Smart City, it is envisioned that such artificial intelligence should be leveraged beyond individual regions. In the not-too-distant future, it is hoped that local governments and communities will pool their artificial intelligence resources, fostering a collaborative approach to co-create a new society.
An important challenge in this context is privacy and security. For instance, training data for machine learning models that optimize local transportation may contain personal data such as residential locations and travel histories, making it unsuitable for straightforward sharing as a dataset. Machine learning models serve as query engines for datasets, and it is crucial to ensure the safety of outputs related to personal data.
In this research, we aim to digitize the knowledge of local communities and develop the S5 foundation software TASK/OS5 (Transformation, Adaptation, and Sharing of Knowledge for Open Society 5.0) to securely share this knowledge. We will transfer data and machine learning models with "local dependencies," obtained in individual regions, to a secured form before sharing. By formally demonstrating, through number theory, that region-specific models or data posing risks of individual identification cannot be obtained from the secured versions, we will construct a methodology for utilizing data and models, including personal data, in a secure manner.


FY 2023

1) Hiromasa Kitai, Naoto Yanai, Kazuki Iwahana, Masataka Tatsumi, Jason Paul Cruz, A Study on Quantized Parameters for Protection of a Model and Its Inference Input. J. Inf. Process. 31: 667-678 (2023)
2) Kyosuke Yamashita, Keisuke Hara, Yohei Watanabe, Naoto Yanai, Junji Shikata, “Designated Verifier Signature with Claimability,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (to appear)
3) Akira Uchiyama, Akihito Hiromori, Ryota Akikawa, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Teruo Higashino, Masaki Suzuki, Yasuhiko Hiehata, Takeshi Kitahara, "Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification Using Smartphones", IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
International Conference
1) Janaka Senanayake, Sampath Rajapaksha, Naoto Yanai, Chika Komiya, and Harsha Kumara Kalutarage, "MADONNA: Browser-Based MAlicious Domain Detection through Optimized Neural Network with Feature Analysis," the 38th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC 2023), Springer (2023-06). (To appear.)
2) Chika Komiya, Naoto Yanai, Kyosuke Yamashita, Shingo Okamura, JABBERWOCK: A Tool for WebAssembly Dataset Generation towards Malicious Website Detection. DSN-W 2023: 36-39
3) Tomoya Matsumoto, Takayuki Miura, Naoto Yanai, "Membership Inference Attacks against Diffusion Models" SP (Workshops) 2023: 77-83
4) Yumeki Goto, Tomoya Matsumoto, Hamada Rizk, Naoto Yanai, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, "Privacy-Preserving Taxi-Demand Prediction Using Federated Learning" SMARTCOMP 2023: 297-302
5) Ren Ozeki, Haruki Yonekura, Hamada Rizk, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, "Balancing Privacy and Utility of Spatio-Temporal Data for Taxi-Demand Prediction," The 24th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, IEEE MDM 2023
6) Haruki Yonekura, Ren Ozeki, Hamada Rizk, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, "DEMO: STM - A Privacy-Enhanced Solution for Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Management", The 24th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, IEEE MDM 2023
7) Kazuki Iwahana, Naoto Yanai, Toru Fujiwara, "Backdoor Attacks Leveraging Latent Representation in Competitive Learning," Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence (SECAI 2023) (2023-09). (To appear.)
8) Masahiro Kamimura, Kyosuke Yamashita, Naoto Yanai, "Generic Construction of Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption," GeoPrivacy 2023, ACM (2023-10). (To appear.)
9) Ren Ozeki, Haruki Yonekura, Aidana Baimbetova, Hamada Rizk, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, "POSTER: One Model Fits All: Cross-Region Taxi-Demand Forecasting," The 31st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023)
Invited Talk
1) Chihiro Kado, Naoto Yanai, Jason Paul Cruz, Shingo Okamura, "[招待講演]An Empirical Study of Impact of Solidity Compiler Updates on Vulnerabilities (from BRAIN 2023)" IEICE Technical Report, ISEC2023-11, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 26, ISEC2023-11, pp. 62-64 (2023-05).
2) 矢内直人, "Ethereum スマートコントラクトのセキュリティ研究," 2023年度第1回光輝会ジョイントフォーラム (2023-05).
3) Naoto Yanai, "Security Research Using Blockchain and for Blockchain," French-Japanese Workshop on Blockchain technologies and application to digital trust (2023-11).
4) 矢内直人, "AIセキュリティのこれまでとこれから," コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 (2023-10).
Domestic Conference
1) 小宮 千佳, 矢内 直人, 山下 恭佑, 岡村 真吾, "悪性サイト検知のためのWebAssemblyデータセット構築ツールの設計とその精度評価," 第101回コンピュータセキュリティ研究会(CSEC), Vol.2023-CSEC-101, No.29, pp.1-8 (2023-05). CSEC優秀研究賞 (2023-06).
2) 松本 知優, 三浦 尭之, 矢内 直人, "拡散モデルのメンバーシップ推論耐性の評価," マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイルシンポジウム 2023(DICOMO 2023), 6F-1, pp. 1030--1037, 優秀プレゼンテーション賞 (2023-07). DICOMO2023優秀論文賞 (2024-09).
3) 加道 ちひろ, 矢内 直人, 山下 恭佑, ジェイソン・ポール クルーズ, 岡村 真吾, "Solidityコンパイラ更新による脆弱性への影響調査," 第22回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2023), 第4分冊, L-015, pp.171-172 (2023-09). FIT奨励賞.
4) 米倉晴紀,田中福治,水本旭洋,山口弘純, "スマートホームシミュレータにおける大規模言語モデルを用いた生活行動の自動生成に関する検討",第109回モバイルコンピューティングと新社会システム(MBL)
1) 加道ちひろ, 矢内 直人, 山下 恭佑, JasonPaul Cruz, 岡村 真吾, FITヤングリサーチャー賞, Solidityコンパイラ更新による脆弱性への影響調査, 情報処理学会
2) 武内 祐哉, 矢内 直人, 森川 郁也, 2023年11月CSS学生論文賞, モデル抽出攻撃の新たな評価指標に向けた決定境界の可視化, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2023
3) 加道ちひろ, 矢内 直人, 山下 恭佑, JasonPaul Cruz, 岡村 真吾, 2023年9月FIT奨励賞, Solidityコンパイラ更新による脆弱性への影響調査, 情報処理学会
4) 松本 知優, 三浦 尭之, 矢内 直人, 2023年9月DICOMO優秀論文賞, 拡散モデルのメンバーシップ推論耐性の評価, マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル(DICOMO2023)シンポジウム
5) 矢内直人, 2023年7月DICOMO2023 ベストカンバーサント賞, 情報処理学会
6) 小宮 千佳, 矢内 直人, 山下 恭佑, 岡村 真吾, 2023年6月CSEC 優秀研究賞, 悪性サイト検知のためのWebAssemblyデータセット構築ツールの設計とその精度評価, コンピュータセキュリティ(CSEC)研究会
7) Ren Ozeki, Haruki Yonekura, Aidana Baimbetova, Hamada Rizk, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, "One Model Fits All: Cross-Region Taxi-Demand Forecasting," The 31st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023), Best Poster Award
Explanatory Article
1) 矢内直人, "5分で分かる!? 有名論文ナナメ読み「Martin Abadi, Andy Chu, Ian Goodfellow, H. Brendan McMahan, Ilya Mironov, Kunal Talwar and Li Zhang : Deep Learning with Differential Privacy」," 情報処理 学会誌, 2023年9月号, 情報処理学会 (2023-08).
1) 矢内直人, 加道ちひろ, 岡村真吾, "ブロックチェーンの基礎からわかるスマートコントラクトのセキュリティ入門," エンジニア入門シリーズ, 科学技術情報出版 (2023-08).